A catalogue of the Great American Deconstruction through quasi-memoiresque stories, poems, and exposition.
-Leftist Tradwife, Joul Layne, PhD in English
My Context
This is an endlessly updated list of the literary
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark-William Shakespeare, 1600-ish
"Guilty Pleasure"-Chappelle Roan, 21th century
Roger's Version-John Updike, late twentieth century
The Waste Land-T.S. Eliot, early twentieth century
The Bible-Narrow-minded scribes, bronze and iron ages
Policing the Womb-Michelle Goodwin, 2020
God, an Anatomy-Francesca Stravakopoulou, 2021
1 / Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
-William Shakespeare, 1600-ish
2 / Guilty Pleasure
-Chappelle Roan, 21th century
3 / Roger's Version
John Updike, late twentieth century
4/ The Waste Land
T.S. Eliot, early twentieth century
5/ The Jungle
Upton Sinclair, early twentieth century
6/ The Bible
Narrow-minded scribes, bronze and iron ages
7/ Policing the Womb
Michelle Goodwin, 2020
8/ God, and Anatomy
Francesca Stravakopoulou, 2021
9/ The Origins of Early Christian Literature
Robyn Faith Walsh, 2022
10/ The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, mid-nineteenth century
11/ The Origin of the Species
Charles Darwin, mid-nineteenth century